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Welcome to the Home Page for
Dr. Matt Kuefler
Professor of History
San Diego State University
I teach Medieval European history, the history of sexuality, and historical methods. I received a Ph.D. in History from Yale University in 1995 (and also have an M.A. in Medieval Studies from Yale, 1991, and an M.A. in History from the University of Alberta, 1987). My research is on the intersections of gender, sexuality, medieval history, and Christianity. Here are some of my major publications (click on each of the images for more details):
If you want to find out more about my education and teaching experience, as well as to find out more about my interests and expertise by looking at my publications and the papers that I have given at professional conferences, click HERE for my Resume, or what academics call a Curriculum Vitae.
At San Diego State University, I teach the following courses:
History 406 -- The History of Sexuality
History 407 -- Early Modern Europe
History 435 -- History Through Film
History 450 -- Senior Seminar in Historical Research
Topics have included: Historical Memory: How the Past Remembered the PastHistory 452 -- Public History Internship Program
History 504 -- The Dark Ages
History 505 -- The Middle Ages
History 508 -- The Fall of the Roman Empire
History 583 -- Topics in the History of Gender and Sexuality
Topics have included: Medieval Sexuality, Gender Diversity in History, Sexual Diversity in History
History 601 -- Historical Methods
History 620 -- Topics in European History
Topics have included: Medieval France, The Medieval Spains, Medieval Religious History, Europe around the Year 1000
History 665 -- Seminar in History
History 680 -- Topics in Comparative, Cross-Cultural, or Interdisciplinary History
Topics have included: The Twelfth-Century RenaissanceLGBT Studies 322 -- LGBT History and Culture
I also have a number of "Help for Writing" pages that can be found by clicking HERE.
My office is located in the Arts and Letters Building, in room 530.
In the spring semester of 2015, my office hours will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45 to 3:45 p.m.
My email address
My mailing address is:
Dr. M. Kuefler
Department of History
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-6050
USAMy office telephone number is: (619) 594-0707.
I answer my telephone and retrieve its messages only during my office hours.The fax number for the History Department is: (619) 594-2210 (Please address any faxes to my attention).